Ebook: Submissões recentes
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Olfaction and Taste XI
(Springer, Tokyo, 1994)In this compendium of current studies on olfaction and taste - the most comprehensive yet to appear in this series - the chemical senses are elucidated from points of view ranging from anatomy, electrophysiology, molecular ... -
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Science of Olfaction
(Springer, New York, NY, 1992)A book such as this one necessarily entails the effort of many individuals. Its first seed was a workshop in 1988 that one of us (K. L. C. ) designed and directed at the City University of New York Graduate Center as part ... -
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Sensors and Sensory Systems for an Electronic Nose
(Springer, Dordrecht, 1992)Sensors and Sensory Systems for an Electronic Nose reviews the current state of progress in the development of an electronic instrument capable of olfaction. The instrument -- the so-called electronic nose -- has enormous ... -
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Surgery of the Sellar Region and Paranasal Sinuses
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1991)The sellar region and paranasal sinuses constitute the anatomical sections of the skull base in which pathological entities warrant interdisciplinary management. Processes originating in the paranasal sinuses can reach and ... -
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Diagnostic Imaging of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
(Springer, London, 1988)In the past two decades the radiological investigation and imaging of paranasal sinus disease has been revolutionised by the introduction of two new techniques: magnetic resonance and computerised tomography. These have ... -
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Ontogeny of Olfaction
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1986)The impacts of specifically experienced external and internal environments upon phylogenetically established pathways of ontogenetic development seem to be responsible for the intra-species variation of organisms. Therefore ... -
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High-Resolution Computed Tomography of the Paranasal Sinuses and Pharynx and Related Regions
(Springer, Dordrecht, 1986)Computed tomography is presently reaching maturity with its high-resolution reconstruction programs, as a result of which conventional tomography has definitely been surpassed. High-resolution computed tomo graphy does ... -
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Endoscopy of the Paranasal Sinuses
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1983)The exponential explosion of diagnostic techniques that is the hallmark of Twentieth Century medicine often makes us forget that the human perceptual senses are still the simplest, most reliable, and most readily available ... -
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(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1971)Olfaction is involved intimately in two of the most basic functions of animals: food intake and reproduction. There are also many other involvements of olfaction in animal behavior, not the least being communication. The ... -
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Olfaction and Odours
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1968)If we possessed a true, well established and undoubted theory concerning the function of the nerves in the human body, the principles of smell would be much easier to understand. So far, we do not know for certain whether ...