Itens para a visualização no momento 321-340 of 439

    • Tese de Doutorado 

      Perfil de auto-anticorpos na surdez súbita, surdez rapidamente progressiva e doença de Ménière 

      Kii, Márcia Akemi (2004)
      A surdez neurossensorial imunomediada (SNIM) é uma das formas reversíveis de surdez neurossensorial, justificando a necessidade de identificação de marcadores mais específicos que ajudem na sua abordagem. O Western blot ...
    • Tese de Doutorado 

      Análise da confiabilidade do telediagnóstico por imagens dinâmicas em laringologia 

      Lazzarini, Claudio Luiz (2004)
      The present study aims to establish the level of diagnostic reliability provided by the transmission of a videolaryngoscopy by videoconference (VC), evaluating the quality of the transmitted images and its impact on ...
    • Tese de Doutorado 

      Estudo das vias auditivas eferentes em indivíduos com zumbido 

      Favero, Mariana Lopes (2004)
      Uma ativação do trato olivococlear medial reduz a amplitude das emissões otoacústicas de forma lateralizada, com um predomínio à direita. Pessoas com zumbido teriam uma disfunção do reflexo eferente, mas esses resultados ...
    • Tese de Doutorado 

      Efeitos da infusão de Luffa operculata sobre o epitélio e a atividade mucociliar do palato isolado de rã 

      Miyake, Mônica Aidar Menon (2004)
      Luffa operculata é uma planta medicinal popularmente usada para tratamento de rinites e rinossinusites. A infusão de seu fruto seco é usada no nariz, liberando secreção mucosa profusa, mas pode causar irritação, epistaxe ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Compression: From Cochlea to Cochlear Implants 

      Bacon, Sid P.; Fay, Richard R.; Popper, Arthur N. (Springer, New York, NY, 2004)
      The Springer Handbook of Auditory Research presents a series of comp- hensive and synthetic reviews of the fundamental topics in modern au- tory research.The volumes are aimed at all individuals with interests in hearing ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Cochlear Implants: Auditory Prostheses and Electric Hearing 

      Zeng, Fan-Gang; Popper, Arthur N.; Fay, Richard R. (Springer, New York, NY, 2004)
      Cochlear implants have instigated a popular but controversial revolution in the treatment of deafness. This book discusses the physiological bases of using artificial devices to electrically stimulate the auditory system ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Electronic Noses & Sensors for the Detection of Explosives 

      Gardner, Julian W.; Yinon, Jehuda (Springer, Dordrecht, 2004)
      It begins with a review of the basic principles of an electronic nose and explores possible ways in which the detection limit of conventional electronic nose technology can be reduced to the level required for the trace ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Imaging of the Larynx 

      Hermans, Robert (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003)
      This book comprehensively covers state-of-the-art cross-sectional imaging of the larynx. The radiological anatomy of the larynx is described in detail, and the imaging findings in benign and malignant laryngeal disease are ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Cochlear Implants: Fundamentals and Applications 

      Clark, Graeme (Springer, New York, NY, 2003)
      Soun is nought but air y-broke —Geoffrey Chaucer end of the 14th century Traditionally, acoustics has formed one of the fundamental branches of physics. In the twentieth century, the ?eld has broadened considerably and ...
    • Ebook  Aberto

      Diagnosis, Natural History, and Late Effects of Otitis Media With Effusion 

      Shekelle, Paul; Takata, Glenn; Chan, Linda S; Mangione-Smith, Rita; Corley, Pamela M; Morphew, Tricia; Morton, Sally (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2003)
      The purpose of this evidence-based report is to review the evidence on the natural history of otitis media with effusion (OME), the late effects of early life otitis media on hearing and speech and language development, ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      MRI Principles of the Head, Skull Base and Spine 

      Tamraz, Jean C.; Outin, Claire; Secca, Mario Forjaz; Soussi, Bassam (Springer, Paris, 2003)
      This new textbook is divided into three main parts. recent stammg methods are mandatory for our The first one is devoted to the brain. The second one is colleagues working in Neuropathology. Neuroimaging devoted to ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgery of the Central Skull Base 

      Dolenc, Vinko V. (Springer, Vienna, 2003)
      The atlas covers the normal microsurgical anatomy of the central skull base as well as the pathological anatomy of the tumorous and vascular lesions of this region. The book gives a detailed description of the contemporary ...
    • Ebook  Aberto

      Management of Allergic Rhinitis in the Working-Age Population 

      McCrory, Douglas C; Williams, John W; Dolor, Rowena J; Kolimaga, Jane T; Reed, Shelby; Sundy, John; Witsell, David L (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2003)
      This report assesses the evidence on how allergic rhinitis affects costs and work performance in working-age populations; the effectiveness of environmental measures, immunotherapy, and combination pharmacologic therapies; ...
    • Tese de Doutorado 

      Ação do estrógeno e progesterona na mucosa nasal humana: avaliação do transporte mucociliar nasal de sacarina e pesquisa de receptores hormonais através de método imuno-histoquímico 

      Balbani, Aracy Pereira Silveira (2002)
      Apesar do estudo exaustivo do transporte mucociliar nasal, ainda há dados controversos sobre a influência direta dos hormônios sexuais femininos nesse mecanismo. O presente estudo teve por objetivos: 1. avaliar o transporte ...
    • Ebook  Aberto

      Criteria for Determining Disability in Speech-Language Disorders 

      Biddle, Andrea K; Watson, Linda R; Hooper, Celia R; Lohr, Kathleen N; Sutton, Sonya F (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2002)
      Approximately 42 million Americans have some type of communication disorder, costing the nation $30 billion to $154 billion for lost productivity, special education, and medical care annually. The quality of the numerous ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems 

      Granström, Björn; House, David; Karlsson, Inger (Springer, Dordrecht, 2002)
      This book is based on contributions to the Seventh European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication that was held at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden, in July of 1999 under the auspices of the European Language and ...
    • Ebook  Aberto

      Management of Allergic and Nonallergic Rhinitis 

      Long, Aidan; McFadden, Caroline; DeVine, Deirdre; Chew, Priscilla; Kupelnick, Bruce; Lau, Joseph (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2002)
      This report synthesizes the available evidence on the diagnosis of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis, the question of whether differentiating allergic from nonallergic rhinitis is important, the efficacy of treatments in ...
    • Tese de Livre Docência  Acesso aberto

      Polipose nasal: estudo das interleucinas 1ß, 3, 4 e 5 no pré e pós operatório 

      Voegels, Richard Louis (Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina, 2002)
      Introdução: A polipose nasal é uma doença inflamatória crônica da mucosa nasal cuja fisiopatologia é motivo de controvérsia, existindo inúmeras teorias descritas na literatura sobre o assunto. Objetivos: correlacionar os ...
    • Tese de Doutorado 

      Correlação entre a morfologia craniofacial e doença da orelha média em adultos. 

      Di Francesco, Renata Cantisani (2001)
      A face de cada um de nós apresenta características únicas. Resultado da combinação de tipos variados de mandíbulas, maxilas, órbitas, é o que nos faz reconhecer cada indivíduo. As crianças apresentam proporções faciais ...
    • Tese de Doutorado 

      Vibração das pregas vocais pré e pós aproximação cricotireóidea: estudo experimental em laringes humanas por videoquimografia. 

      Bohadana, Saramira Cardoso (2001)
      A aproximação cricotireóidea simula a contração do músculo cricotireóideo, aproximando as cartilagens cricóidea e tireóidea anteriormente. Distende e tensiona as pregas vocais, elevando a freqüência fundamental da voz. É ...