Biblioteca Digital ORL: Submissões recentes
Itens para a visualização no momento 341-360 of 439
Ebook Aberto
Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults
(Minnesota Department of Health, 2001)This assessment outlines diagnostic and treatment options for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common type of sleep-disordered breathing.Information provided in this assessment is limited to OSA in adults and should ... -
Ebook Aberto
Management of Acute Otitis Media
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2001)Our objective with this report was to analyze the evidence on the initial management of uncomplicated acute otitis media (AOM) in children. We assessed three questions: What is the natural history of AOM without antibiotic ... -
Ebook Restrito
Ear, Nose and Throat Histopathology
(Springer, London, 2001)I wrote the first edition of this work in 1987 with the object of providing a review of the aetiology, pathogenesis and morphological basis of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Since that time important changes have ... -
Ebook Restrito
The Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001)The evolution of microscopic and endoscopic surgery of the nose was made possible due to the detailed knowledge acquired by anatomists and surgeons on the macro- and microanatomy of this region. Unveiling the complex ... -
Ebook Restrito
Micro-endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses and the Skull Base
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000)The diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses and skull base have changed dramatically in the past few years, transforming rhinol ogy in one of most exciting and attractive medical fields. The ... -
Ebook Aberto
Diagnosis and Treatment of Uncomplicated Acute Sinusitis in Children (Supplement)
(Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US), 2000)This report evaluates and analyzes the existing evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of acute uncomplicated sinusitis in children. -
Tese de Doutorado
Contribuição ao estudo da etiologia das perdas auditivas hereditárias, progressivas e de causas desconhecidas
(1999)O autor estudou famílias com surdez hereditária, congênita e de causas desconhecidas, na região da cidade de Marília, Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). Foram analisadas 33 famílias, com 100 pessoas afetadas. A história familiar ... -
Ebook Aberto
Diagnosis and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia) in Acute-Care Stroke Patients
(Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US), 1999)This report was requested by the Health Care Financing Administration, which sought an evidence-based assessment of methods for diagnosing and treating swallowing disorders (dysphagia) in elderly individuals with neurologic ... -
Ebook Aberto
Systematic Review of the Literature Regarding the Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea
(Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US), 1999)The objective was to establish the evidence base for diagnosing sleep apnea (SA) in adult patients using systematic review methods. Tests covered were sleep monitoring devices, radiologic imaging, laboratory assays, and ... -
Ebook Restrito
Vertigo and Dizziness Rehabilitation
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1999)This diagnosis and management guide opens up a new frontier both for medical specialists and physical therapists dealing with vertigo sufferers. It presents a new original approach to diagnosis and rehabilitative treatment ... -
Tese de Doutorado Acesso aberto
Polipose nasal: estudo da correlação entre as interleucinas 1ß, 3, 4 e 5 e a molécula de adesão VCAM-1 com a presença ou não de alergia
(Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina, 1998)A polipose nasal é uma doença inflamatória crônica da mucosa nasal cuja fisiopatologia é motivo de controvérsia, existindo inúmeras teorias descritas na literatura sobre o assunto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estudar ... -
Ebook Restrito
Cholesteatoma and Anterior Tympanotomy
(Springer, Tokyo, 1997)Acquired aural cholesteatoma poses a unique procedural dilemma with regard to pathogenetic research and theory building. Because cholesteatoma spontane ously occurs only in the poorly pneumatized human ear, its pathogenesis ... -
Ebook Restrito
Endoscopic Anatomy of the Paranasal Sinuses
(Springer, Vienna, 1997)For the beginner or for the accomplished sinus surgeon, mastering the anatomy of the lateral nasal wall is an ongoing challenge. Even though there are excellent standard anatomical references and equally outstanding sinus ... -
Ebook Restrito
Rhinitis: Immunopathology and Pharmacotherapy
(Birkhäuser Basel, 1997)Continuing the Respiratory Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy series, this volume explores the pathophysiology and therapy of rhinitis. The volume is introduced by a chapter describing the normal anatomy and physiology of ... -
Ebook Restrito
The Cochlea
(Springer, New York, NY, 1996)Knowledge about the structure and function of the inner ear is vital to an understanding of vertebrate hearing. This volume presents a detailed overview of the mammalian cochlea from its anatomy and physiology to its ... -
Ebook Restrito
The Management of Voice Disorders
(Springer, Boston, MA, 1994)There has been a tremendous growth of interest in the human voice and its disorders during the past decade. This has led to the development of a variety of 'voice labs' or 'voice clinics' that are able to offer unique ... -
Ebook Aberto
Otitis Media with Effusion in Young Children
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 1994)Otitis media with effusion is one of the most common problems of infancy and early childhood and is responsible for substantial morbidity and expense. Most children will have one or more episodes during early childhood, ... -
Ebook Restrito
Deafness, Deprivation, and IQ
(Springer, Boston, MA, 1994)Deafness is a "low incidence" disability and, therefore not studied or understood in the same way as other disabilities. Historically, research in deafness has been conducted by a small group of individuals who communicated ... -
Ebook Restrito
Olfaction and Taste XI
(Springer, Tokyo, 1994)In this compendium of current studies on olfaction and taste - the most comprehensive yet to appear in this series - the chemical senses are elucidated from points of view ranging from anatomy, electrophysiology, molecular ... -
Ebook Restrito
Language and Speech
(Springer, Vienna, 1993)Language and Speech has been selected for the Fifth Convention of the Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica as a topic closely related to neurosurgery but also to philosophy, art, culture and humanity and treated by various ...