Biblioteca Digital ORL: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 439
Ebook Acesso aberto
Guia de Orientação – Avaliação e Intervenção no Processamento Auditivo Central
(Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia - CFFa, 2020-08)Com a finalidade de contribuir para a prática clínica em avaliação, diagnóstico e intervenção nos transtornos de processamento auditivo central, um grupo de trabalho constituído pelo Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia – ... -
Tese de Doutorado Acesso aberto
Validade dos testes de triagem realizados à beira do leito para detecção de aspiração em pacientes internados em hospital público de reabilitação
(2020-06-10)INTRODUÇÃO: a detecção precoce da disfagia e especificamente da aspiração é essencial para prevenir e reduzir as complicações de pacientes internados em hospitais de reabilitação. A avaliação inicial dos distúrbios da ... -
Dissertação de Mestrado Acesso aberto
Distúrbios gustatórios em pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço quando a radioterapia não inclui a cavidade oral
(Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina, 2020-05-13)A disfunção cardíaca induzida pela caquexia do câncer tem assumido papel relevante no gerenciamento da sobrevida e qualidade de vida de pacientes com câncer. Há décadas, o treinamento físico aeróbio (TFA) tem sido preconizado ... -
Tese de Doutorado
Microrretalho bipediculado de mucosa cordal em fonomicrocirurgia: estudo experimental em laringes humanas excisadas
(2020-04-02)INTRODUÇÃO: A fonomicrocirurgia evoluiu ao longo dos anos à medida que se aprofundou os conhecimentos sobre anatomia e fisiologia da laringe, porém as complicações ainda são inevitáveis. Uma das possíveis complicações é a ... -
Tese de Doutorado
Influência da profundidade de inserção angular do feixe de eletrodos na performance auditiva de pacientes submetidos a implante coclear
(2020-01-16)INTRODUÇÃO: A cirurgia de implante coclear é uma terapia universalmente aceita para o tratamento de pacientes com perda auditiva de grau severo a profundo, permitindo que seus usuários detectem estímulos complexos e alcancem ... -
Tese de Doutorado
Composição e diversidade do microbioma do meato médio de pacientes com rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasal
(2020)Introdução: A comunidade microbiológica presente no corpo humano apresenta papel crucial na homeostase normal de diversos sistemas fisiológicos e em inúmeros cenários fisiopatológicos. O surgimento de tecnologias que ... -
Ebook Aberto
Voice and Swallowing Disorders
(IntechOpen, 2020)The purpose of writing this book is to discuss the updated information on voice and swallowing disorders. The book has been written by international authors and experts in this field. You will find not only clinical aspects ... -
Ebook Aberto
Oral Diseases
(IntechOpen, 2020)Oral diseases are one of the more common non-communicable health diseases. They pose a major health burden for many countries and affect people throughout their lifetime causing pain, discomfort, disfigurement, and even ... -
Ebook Aberto
Maxillofacial Surgery and Craniofacial Deformity
(IntechOpen, 2020)The aim of the book “Maxillofacial Surgery and Craniofacial Deformity - Practices and Updates” was to collect various aspects of facial and cranial deformities in one single textbook in order to have a systematic way of ... -
Ebook Aberto
Meniere's Disease
(IntechOpen, 2020)Dizziness and vertigo are symptoms related to peripheral vestibular disorders. These are among the most common complaints in medical offices, and knowledge of the major diseases affecting this system is of fundamental ... -
Ebook Aberto
The Human Auditory System
(IntechOpen, 2020)This book presents the latest findings in clinical audiology with a strong emphasis on new emerging technologies that facilitate and optimize a better assessment of the patient. The book has been edited with a strong ... -
Ebook Aberto
Diseases of the Brain, Head and Neck, Spine 2020–2023
(Springer, New York, NY, 2020)This open access book offers an essential overview of brain, head and neck, and spine imaging. Over the last few years, there have been considerable advances in this area, driven by both clinical and technological developments. ... -
Ebook Aberto
Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery
(Medscape, 2020)Medscape is the leading online global destination for physicians and healthcare professionals worldwide, offering the latest medical news and expert perspectives; essential point-of-care drug and disease information; and ... -
Ebook Aberto
Current Treatment of Cleft Lip and Palate
(IntechOpen, 2020)Non-syndromic cleft lip and palate patients have the most common congenital anomalies that affect the middle and lower part of the face, and which impair aesthetic integrity. These anomalies also affect basic functions ... -
Ebook Aberto
Advances in Rehabilitation of Hearing Loss
(IntechOpen, 2020)This book covers some innovative aspects of the multifaceted and continuously evolving field of rehabilitation of hearing loss. International leading experts share their view and advanced experience on unilateral deafness, ... -
The Influence of Auditory Feedback and Vocal Rehabilitation on Prelingual Hearing-Impaired Individuals Post Cochlear Implant.
(J Voice. 2019 Nov;33(6):947.e1-947.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2018.07.004., 2019-11)OBJECTIVE: To verify changes in the perceptual and acoustic vocal parameters in prelingual hearing-impaired adults with cochlear implants after vocal rehabilitation. HYPOTHESIS: Auditory feedback restoration alone after ... -
Are There Cochlear Dead Regions Involved in Hearing Loss after Cisplatin Ototoxicity?
(Audiol Neurootol. 2019;24(5):253-257. doi: 10.1159/000502250., 2019-11)BACKGROUND: The most common complaint of patients affected by chemotherapy-induced hearing loss is difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments despite the use of hearing aids. Cochlear dead regions, those areas ... -
Otobone®: Three-dimensional printed Temporal Bone Biomodel for Simulation of Surgical Procedures
(Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Oct;23(4):e451-e454. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1688924., 2019-10)INTRODUCTION: The anatomy of the temporal bone is complex due to the large number of structures and functions grouped in this small bone space, which do not exist in any other region in the human body. With the difficulty ... -
Revaluing the role of the tongue in obstructive sleep apnea
(J Bras Pneumol. 2019 Sep 5;45(4):e20190208. doi: 10.1590/1806-3713/e20190208., 2019-09)Since the earliest descriptions of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), researchers have been struggling to determine the location and pattern of airway collapse in this disease. From the early general notion of upper airway ...